Once the paint was evenly saturated, I could lightly buff it with a towel. My paint absorbed the product so much that I finally put on a plastic glove and smeared it on like mayonnaise. I soon learned that the directions - apply a light coat with a pad, then buff after drying to a haze - did not apply to my situation. Without hesitation, he recommended their Paint Sealant. In 2013, I met a Griot's Garage factory rep at a car show and explained my situation. At least it stopped water from soaking the pigment. I tried all sorts of wax and polish, but they would remove and/or move pigment around the panels. About 15 years ago, the oxidation got to the point that the color would darken when wet. I've owned my TD for 33 years and logged tons of miles in all sorts of Midwestern weather. I'd like to hear what others have done to preserve original paint on their T-cars that see regular use. Jun 23 Speedhut Speedometer Has Arrived.Jun 27 VMAXSCART Super Charger Completed.Sep 16 DEBCCD Annual Fall Car & Motorc.Sep 09 ORWest Coast Sprite Midget Chal.Sep 03 NYAutumn Sports Classic Super C.Aug 27 NYMGCC Sports Car & Auto Festival.Jul 22 CTOxford Center Fire Company Ca.Jul 17 ABMG 2023 Calgary - MGs In The.Jul 15 WAWestern Washington All Britis.That is the beauty of patina and customization, the sky’s the limit on what you can do. With the matte clear we are protecting the paint and the truck will have a more permanent slight sheen to it. We have experimented with clearcoat and now on occasion if we want to protect the car and give it a bit of pop (and don’t want to apply Penetrol or Lindseed oil every month) we have devised a matte clearcoat that we use. At the end of the day it is your car, and you can do whatever you wish. To me it does kill it as it looks artificial to roll up on a truck or car that is 60 years old with shinny patina. Most purists believe rust should not shine and it looks really fake to see a rusty truck or car all shinny and new. Reasoning being is clear coat is typically what gives cars their shine.

This method is a bit controversial amongst enthusiasts. The same clear coat you would apply to a new cars painted finish, yes automotive clear coat. The last method of caring for your patina finish is to clear coat it…… yes you heard me clear coat it. We have purchased a couple and will test them out on an old truck and report our findings in our next blog post. There are also a couple detailing products on the market that claim to be patina protectants. This is the most popular method of preserving your patina and currently the most widely used because of the east and cost. It generally lasts about a month or so depending on the conditions the truck lives in. This does two things, gives the whole truck a coat of protectant and gives it a slight shine that really makes the paint color, the primer color, and the rust color pop. Next step is to apply Penetrol, Boiled Lindseed oil or a new product called Patina Sauce from. With this method we find it takes away some of the heavy surface rust and oxidation on the paint and brings back some of the color from the paint. We usually like to wash the truck down with a mixture of CLR and water with a scotchbrite pad. Keep in mind this is helping to protect the finish and it also enhances it. We typically do a couple things to preserve our trucks current patina finish. You will have a car or truck that will last many years and not be a safety hazard while driving down the road. Patina is after all rust, rust is typically not a good think when talking about a vehicle, so if you can minimize the actual rust process while maintaining the worn-out look. You can alleviate all that by just keeping something in the garage. It is crazy what damage the sun, wind, rain, snow, etc. One of the biggest ways to help is keeping the vehicle inside and out of the elements. The good news is you can do that, or you can do a few things that may help on your end to extend the current look of the patina car or truck you have. There are also some that like the way the truck looks currently and will want to continue to let it age and rust over time. I am not advocating washing and waxing it every week (that defeats the purpose of having something that you have to worry about to much) but just a couple simple easy ways to care for your patina is what I am advocating. If you do not care for it, it is likely that that surface rust could turn into holes and weaken the sheet metal over time. This may seem like an oxymoron, but you should consider caring for your patina vehicles finish.